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Human Resources & Compliance

  • Onboarding Packet
  • Employee Handbook
  • I-9
  • W-4
  • Discipline Policy
  • Sexual Harassment Notice
  • A9 Form
  • A8 Form
  • DLSE 4
  • Accident Investigation
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Workplace Complaints
  • Personal Safety
  • Ergonomics
  • Heat Illness
  • What to do in the event of an accident.
  • Slip, Trip, & Fall Avoidance
  • Machinery Training
  • Emergency Evacuation
  • Hazard Communication
  • Crew Leader Training
Remove the Guess Work
Keeping up with Federal, State, and Local regulations when it comes to managing your workforce is no easy task and is oftentimes the biggest threat to your business.  Everyone deserves to be treated fairly and one of the first steps is having a strong Human Resources program.  A successful program is one that assimilates a new hire from day one to understand the company's culture, as well as, its policies.  Resources, personnel training, and leading by example are the cornerstones to a happy and safe work environment.
All companies, by law, are required to follow certain rules to ensure a safe and comfortable work environment.  In addition, a company should create a set of policies that reinforce this environment. 
Examples of documentation that a company should have:
Personnel Training
Teaching your workforce how to maintain a safe and comfortable work environment is crucial.  Without this key initiative, your company is exposing itself to big problems. 
As an employer, it is your role to ensure that each employee is trained for the following:
Leading by Example
Your management team has the opportunity every day to reinforce the principles, policies, and culture of the company.​  Efforts made in standardizing management performance can yield a workforce that fully understands the mission of the company and creates a positive reputation that attracts more people and supports employee retention.
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